Aaron Gage, Ph.D.
Vitae: HTML, PDF


My research has focused on sensing and affect (emotions) as they relate to mobile robots. The research falls into the following areas:

This page provides links to papers published on my research. The summaries on this page are meant to be informal and brief, so if you want the details, feel free to download the papers.

My dissertation dealt with using the OCC emotional model (after Ortony, Collins, and Clore) as the basis for a multi-robot task allocation solution. The approach was a contract-net protocol based negotiation where the process of choosing which robot to use for a task was distributed among the entire team, and robots would eventually be shamed into helping after initially refusing. The practical advantages of this technique (over, say, Gerkey's MURDOCH) was a statistically significant reduction in the number of communications required for large teams. This relates back to sensing because the task for which the robots are being recruited will impose certain requirements on which robots are eligible. Not only must a robot be chosen, but the best robot for the task should be.

My Master's thesis was a little different, dealing with the allocation of finite sensing resources to the behaviors on a mobile robot with incomplete information (that is, no knowledge of what will happen in the future, or how long the current demands on the system will last). The same question arises in this work: what is the best sensor for a particular perceptual task? How do you objectively measure the utility of a set of sensors to a task?

I'm still working on that part.


Ph.D. Dissertation

Thesis title:Multi-Robot Task Allocation Using Affect
Thesis advisor:Robin R. Murphy
Thesis keywords:mobile robots, artificial intelligence, affective computing

Master's Thesis

Thesis title:Mobile Robot Sensor Allocation using Min-Conflict with Happiness
Thesis advisor:Robin R. Murphy
Thesis keywords:mobile robots, artificial intelligence, sensor allocation, constraint satisfaction, sensor utility

Peer reviewed journals, magazines, and conference proceedings

AuthorsTitle PublicationYearLink
Long, M., Gage, A., Murphy, R.R., and Valavanis, K. "Application of the Distributed Field Robot Architecture to a Simulated Demining Task"IEEE ICRA2005 PDF
Gage, A., and Murphy, R.R. "Sensor Scheduling in Mobile Robots Using Incomplete Information via Min-Conflict with Happiness" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, vol. 34, number 1, February 2004, pp. 454-467. 2004 PDF
Gage, A., Murphy, R.R., Rasmussen, E., and Minten, B. "Shadowbowl 2003: Lessons Learned from a Reachback Exercise with Rescue Robots"IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 11, number 3, September 2004, pp. 62-69.2004 PDF
Gage, A., and Murphy, R.R. "Affective Recruitment of Distributed Heterogeneous Agents" Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Jose, CA, July 25-29, 2004, pp. 14-19.2004 PDF
Gage, A., and Murphy, R.R. "Principles and Experiences in using LEGOS to Teach Behavioral Robotics" Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2003), Boulder, CO, November 5-8, 2003, pp. F4E-23 - F4E-28. 2003 PDF
Murphy, R.R., Lisetti, C.L., Tardif, R., Irish, L., and Gage, A. "Emotion-based control of cooperating heterogeneous mobile robots" IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 18, number 5, October 2002, pp. 744-757. 2002 PDF
Zekri, S., Gage, A., Ying, S.J., Sundarrao, S., and Dubey, R.V. "Driving evaluation of persons with disabilities using an advanced vehicle interface system" Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, vol. 2, September 30-October 5, 2002, pp. 1158-1164.2002
Gage, A., and Murphy, R.R. "Sensor Allocation for Behavioral Sensor Fusion using Min-Conflict with Happiness" Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2000), vol. 3, October 31-November 5, 2000, pp. 1611-1618. 2000 PDF
Gage, A., and Murphy, R.R. "Allocating Sensor Resources to Multiple Behaviors" Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '99), vol. 1, October 17-21, 1999, pp. 247-253.1999

Related Research

I have worked with a number of interesting people over the past several years. Here is what some of them (i.e. the ones with current web pages) are up to. These are listed alphabetically.
Jen Carlson Jen is interested in sensing uncertainty and enabling a robot to detect when its sensors are misbehaving.
Matt Long Matt has been working on architecting the Distributed Field Robot Architecture, which enables the seamless interaction of agents in distributed multi-robot teams.
Mark Micire & Jenn Casper Jenn and Mark went with Robin Murphy to the World Trade Center disaster, along with Brian Minten, to lend their assistance using robots in the rubble (see CRASAR for details). Mark and Jenn have since created American Standard Robotics to provide robot hardware for rescue workers.
Robin R. Murphy Robin Murphy was my thesis advisor for both my Master's and Ph.D. degrees. She has accomplished more than I can even keep track of, so if any of my work is even remotely interesting to you, click the link.
Andrew Nelson Andrew is interested in evolutionary robotics, especially as concerns learning in situated robots and biologically inspired robots. He is also an artist, and has produced some very interesting work.
Seema Patel Seema has a background in social psychology and is interested in using robots for entertainment and education, preferably at the same time.
Mark Powell Mark and I met while he was pursuing his Ph.D. at USF, and he has since been doing amazing things at JPL with the Mars rovers.
Kimon Valavanis Kimon Valavanis was on my doctoral committee and has worked extensively on control theory for robotics, with multiple successful autonomous aerial vehicle projects.

Personal pages

Research is not all that I do. Some pages describing my other interests
are available.